Saturday, April 3, 2010

World's Best hamburger (plus obligatory bacon pic)

Many places claim to have a "world famous" hamburger. But honestly, do you actually believe that there is an international federation of hamburger afiscionados that tours around every one-horse town evaluating the burgers at the local diner?  

So there's really nothing from me jumping on the band-wagon of unfounded claims. The above pictured burger is world famous. Really. I'm not going to lie to you. It's the goddamn truth.

What's special about it? Size, composition (pork & beef), tasty medley of spices, cooked to perfection... and I mean delicious flavor dripping down the chin. 

Any respectable burger should be topped with the Candy Meat, pictured below. Double-smoked, thick-sliced bacon goodness. Eating bacon makes me happy. You are what you eat. I am a pig. 

1 comment:

  1. that is a wonderful story. thank you for sharing it. It makes me hungry. do you guys have take-out?
